Tuesday, October 28, 2008

RSS Feeds - Why Use a RSS Feed?

When you think about all the information on the web today, news, sports, blogs, marketing, stocks and share, the average person is hard pressed to visit each and every website on a daily basis. To make life a whole lot easy, this is were RSS Feeds come into play.

What you ask is RSS? Basically without getting into technicalities, RSS is an XML based format which allows the syndication of lists of hyperlinks along with other information (metadata) thus enabling the viewer to decide what link they wish to follow. Simply huh?

RSS feeds allow your to fetch and understand the information so that all the lists you are interested in can be personalized and tracked - your computer does all the work for you! Rather than having to go to each individual web-page, all your favs come to you!

To enable your computer to do all the work, a web site will create a feed (channel) available, just like any file/resource on the server. Then your computer will go over on a regular basis and fetch all the latest information from that list. It is a great way to syndicate your site and is particularly popular with bloggers!

By syndicating all you have to do is to subscribe to that site and there you have it, all the latest news right there on your computer. It really does make life so much easier.

To enable you to actually read all the news, you do need some software. Now there are a number of programs available, some are web-based which means you can read the latest news from any computer, or there are standalone programs which you install on your computer and can of course, only be used when you are actually on that particular computer. I personally use RSSOWL not only is it very user friendly lightweight and completely free. It is a bit of a learning curve at first, like everything but play around with it, if you get really stuck there is always the help section:).

All blog sites will have a RSS Feed, it maybe called Atom or RSS or just plain Syndicate but the name means nothing really as they all do exactly the same thing. The reason for all the different names is because there are different standards to create syndication services - remember the old Beta vs VHS video battle. At present it would appear that RSS is winning the war and that is the one you will see most often.

So why not make this site your first feed!

New or want to learn more about starting an Internet-Marketing Business for FREE?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Internet Marketing Forums -4 Great Forums

Internet-Marketing Forums are really great places, not just for the newbie but also for the advanced Marketer. The Forums provide a place for anyone to learn more but even more importantly, they can be used to 'brand' your name as an expert in your chosen field.

How this is done is to not just post replies to threads, such as "great post" but to look through the threads and offer some really good advice. Make sure though that you do know your subject matter! Top Marketers use the Internet-marketing Forums to 'brand' themselves. Take some time and look at the threads and you will see that the 'gurus' always offer good advice, not just a 'great post'.

Now with most Forums you do need to make a certain number of posts before you can actually advertise a product, however most allow you to put a url in your signature line. Make sure you do this, for it is another way of advertising yourself and your product.

One thing which is really annoying and a lot of Forum are now getting very prickly about it, is just going to a Forum, joining and immediately hitting the Forum with an advertising spiel. This is SPAMMING and is very bad form! Do NOT if you want to develop a good reputation around the Internet-Marketing Forums, do this, you will in most cases be banned! Word spreads quickly, it isn't hard to get a bad reputation.

Really using Forums is a matter of just plain commonsense. Read the rules and keep them in your mind, they are not that heavy in most Forums.

Here is a list, in no particular order of preference of the top Internet-Marketing Forums.

  • Warrior Forum - a really big Forum, a lot of top names in Internet-Marketing hang out here. People are friendly. Lot of different areas, including Social Groups, Blogs and JV Areas.
  • ProfitBlogger - As the name suggest, this is a great Forum for anyone who is interested in blogging and making a profit from their blogs. Again, friendly and very helpful people.
  • Anthony Blake Online - Entrepreneurial Success Forum - This Forum is growing fast a lot a freebies on offer to for anyone who registers. Relaxed and easy going but DON'T spam them!
  • Affiliate Marketing Forums - Great place for those who are involved in Affiliate Marketing just about everything you need is right there.
Have fun, learn and brand yourself but word of warning - Forums can be addictive! Spend some of your time lurking around and posting but make sure you also spend time on the rest of your business.

Have Fun At The Forums.

Need More Help on starting your own SUCCESSFUL Internet-Marketing Business for FREE? The Newbie Blueprint

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sorting The Wheat From the Chaff - Tips on Internet Marketing

One of the first things anyone new to Internet Marketing does is to sign up for every conceivable Newsletter, Free Report and How To Videos. This is normal and good, for you will find a lot of valuable information out there in cyber space.

However, after a few months, two to three, is a good number I have found, you will start to see clear patterns emerging in the Newsletters. These can be loosely broken down into three categories.

The first is the Newsletter which arrives either every fortnight or monthly or in some instances on a more irregular basis. Usually these newsletters are full of valuable content. The authors are not trying to always flog you the latest gizmo, neither do they put FREE/READ NOW and other such attention grabbing headlines in the subject line. These newsletters are well worth keeping for the people behind them care about you and have a genuine desire to help you grow a healthy internet marketing business.

They may, from time to time, send you an invitation regarding a special offer, or something which they have personally found helpful but on the whole they do not run the close line between spam and help.

Further they will often have a way of personally contacting the author. Please do not abuse their generosity by emailing them with a daily update of your business, or worse your private life but it doesn't hurt to give them a quick email with a genuine question or just a thanks for all the great advice. Some actively seek inter-action and you will over time build up a really good rapport with these people.

The second type of Newsletter is the one which sends me racing to hit the unsubscribe url FAST! This type usually roll in daily, many even two or three times a day. The normal subject line screams out that "I MUST ACT NOW AND FAST" time is passing or what I personally find even more frustrating 'FREE OFFER' which, on closer inspection turns out to be 'free trial' for a limited period then an ongoing monthly expense, guaranteed to make a huge dent in your credit card!

This type of newsletter can have some preamble about how hard it is to make it on the internet, are you struggling? It's not hard once you have read a few to pick up quickly on the chosen method of drawing you in to buy whatever 'free' service, program they are offering, prior to the 'close'. These newsletter will rarely if ever have any worthwhile content they are purely Sales Pitches to get you to part with your hard earned money! My advice is UNSUBSCRIBE unless of course you want to part with your dollars.

Also in this category I place the ones where the author goes on and on ad nauseam about their wonderful holiday in the Bahamas or wherever, their new car, their new house etc., you get the picture I am sure. Whilst building a rapport with your readers is grand, it is extremely irritating, not to say time consuming, to read all about their holiday, as really when all is said and done it is not at all relevant to what you are aiming to achieve. Again, I always delete this type of Newsletter. I am too busy to waste time reading someone else's travel log, I prefer to live my own!

The third type of Newsletters are a combination of both the above. They are a little more frequent, coming around once a week and do contain "Free Offers" or outright sales pitches but also contain useful and helpful information as well. Some writers split the content, you will receive their fortnightly Newsletter with all the good stuff and then from time to time they will send you an email which is purely promoting a product/service. So long as the greater part of the newsletter is good solid information then I stay with them. For I do find that when they do send an email advertising a product they are quite straight about it all and the product is quite often something of real interest.

If you do find anything arriving in your mail box which you know you haven't subscribed to DO NOT hit the unsubscribe icon! These are pure spam mail and hitting the unsubscribe button just alerts the sender to the fact that there is a 'live' email address. In this instance the only thing to do is to delete the offending email and don't forget to also BLOCK SENDER! If you are really unlucky you may get a few more unwanted emails, they just use other sender addresses and names. Keep doing the above and you will find that these spammers will get sick of sending out their spam mail and the emails will stop! Want more on starting a SUCCESSFUL Internet-Marketing Business for FREE? The Newbie Blueprint

Monday, October 13, 2008

Organizing Your Internet Marketing Business

You're all fired up and excited, having just made the decision to start an internet marketing business. That's fantastic, as it is an exciting and lucrative world, however, calm down just a little and remember that internet marketing, just like any off-line business does need some work and organization.

Yes, you do need to be organized. So, take a deep breath and let's get down to some of the nitty-gritty stuff, I promise you it will save you time and money and an awful lot of teeth gnashing!

First, emails. All email programs have a few folders built-in, which are just fine and dandy for personal use, however, you are now in business you will need to set up quite a lot more folders and sub-folders. For example, you have probably signed up for everything going to gain as much information, help and advice as possible. Now that's great, you're keen and willing to learn but what you will find, unless you create new folders for each new account, is that your in- box will be overflowing and you will not be able to find a single thing.

So, start right now to set up folders and sub-folders for everything and I mean everything. The easiest and least time consuming way is to create the folder and the message rule as soon as you receive the email. That way you will not have to go through masses of emails sorting each individually. You will find after a period of time that some of the newsletters you have subscribed too are really not worth keeping (see my blog Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff), then you can just delete those folders, or rename them which ever is applicable.

Another point to keep in mind is the name of each folder. Unless you have a super-human memory, or are well versed in using initials, then I suggest you use the full name of each person/newsletter or at least an easily recognizable abbreviation. Otherwise you will, a few months, maybe less, down the track be scratching your head as to what XYZ is meant to stand for, trust me it happens!

By now you will have set-up your email folders and subfolders and have that well and truly organized, so that when you log on all you have to do is watch how many emails are coming and if your eyes are quick enough, which folders they went into. If you didn't spot the folder, it only takes a few seconds just to click on each folder and check if new mail has arrived.

Let's now move on to another important part of organizing your brand new internet marketing business, the My Documents folder.

If like most people you have all manner of personal items stored in My Documents, then I suggest you first move them all into one folder, labelled for example Personal. From there you can create sub-folders if necessary. That way you do not muddle personal with business.

Now having moved all your personal things into one folder it is time to set up a folder(s) for your internet marketing business. Just stop for a moment and consider exactly the type of material you will be storing, each individual business is different, however I am sure you will be downloading a lot of reports, free e-books etc. so I would start with the following folders:-

  • Compressed Downloads
  • Brandable E-Books
  • Non-Brandable E-Books
  • Programs
  • Reports
  • Videos
  • Free Giveaways
Within these catagories, I also create sub-folders, as in my Brandable E-Books folder I have a sub-folder which has the Branded E-books, this way I am not continually opening an E-book to see if it has been branded or not. This is also why I have two folders Brandable and Non-Brandable, it may seem a bit pedantic but honestly it does save hours of time and frustration.

I have to confess, I am a sub-folder fanatic but experience has taught me to create folders and sub-folders for everything, even if it is just a small amount of data. The two main reasons are that at one time I had a massive computer crash, had my computer not been so well organized in the first place, the bill to the chap retrieving my lost data would have been horrendous. As it was he was able to retrieve and in most cases, restore everything back into it's rightful place.

The other is a little more personal:). My partner is wedded to the 'biblical' filing system "seek and thou shalt find". On the rare occasion I do venture into the depths of his computer I am left totally exhausted and in need of a stiff drink!

Again, as with your email folders, use a clear and concise labeling system. One of the things you are probably already aware of is that when you download something the title is usually in an abbreviated format. This is fine if you are running for the Mr Memory title, however, once you start downloading masses of e-books, reports etc. you will make your life a lot easier if prior to downloading them you rename them. There is nothing worse than knowing you have downloaded a certain book, then not being able to recall the abbreviations used in the title.

You will find that, boring at times as the basics are, they do make life so much easy. So hop to and start organizing your email and My Documents. Remember, if a file proves unnecessary you can always delete or rename but finding data which has gone astray is not only frustrating it is also time wasting and time is money.

Good luck with your internet marketing and if you are looking for a very informative book which details some wonderful free, simple and easy ways to start making money on the internet, then why not check out The Newbie Blueprint.