Monday, October 27, 2008

Internet Marketing Forums -4 Great Forums

Internet-Marketing Forums are really great places, not just for the newbie but also for the advanced Marketer. The Forums provide a place for anyone to learn more but even more importantly, they can be used to 'brand' your name as an expert in your chosen field.

How this is done is to not just post replies to threads, such as "great post" but to look through the threads and offer some really good advice. Make sure though that you do know your subject matter! Top Marketers use the Internet-marketing Forums to 'brand' themselves. Take some time and look at the threads and you will see that the 'gurus' always offer good advice, not just a 'great post'.

Now with most Forums you do need to make a certain number of posts before you can actually advertise a product, however most allow you to put a url in your signature line. Make sure you do this, for it is another way of advertising yourself and your product.

One thing which is really annoying and a lot of Forum are now getting very prickly about it, is just going to a Forum, joining and immediately hitting the Forum with an advertising spiel. This is SPAMMING and is very bad form! Do NOT if you want to develop a good reputation around the Internet-Marketing Forums, do this, you will in most cases be banned! Word spreads quickly, it isn't hard to get a bad reputation.

Really using Forums is a matter of just plain commonsense. Read the rules and keep them in your mind, they are not that heavy in most Forums.

Here is a list, in no particular order of preference of the top Internet-Marketing Forums.

  • Warrior Forum - a really big Forum, a lot of top names in Internet-Marketing hang out here. People are friendly. Lot of different areas, including Social Groups, Blogs and JV Areas.
  • ProfitBlogger - As the name suggest, this is a great Forum for anyone who is interested in blogging and making a profit from their blogs. Again, friendly and very helpful people.
  • Anthony Blake Online - Entrepreneurial Success Forum - This Forum is growing fast a lot a freebies on offer to for anyone who registers. Relaxed and easy going but DON'T spam them!
  • Affiliate Marketing Forums - Great place for those who are involved in Affiliate Marketing just about everything you need is right there.
Have fun, learn and brand yourself but word of warning - Forums can be addictive! Spend some of your time lurking around and posting but make sure you also spend time on the rest of your business.

Have Fun At The Forums.

Need More Help on starting your own SUCCESSFUL Internet-Marketing Business for FREE? The Newbie Blueprint

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